On Sunday August 30 the section of Sussex village park that the Circle Masters fly at was dedicated to long time resident and club member Dan Tetzlaff. Dan was instrumental in securing this site for the Club's use with the village of Sussex, who in turn have been very supportive of our activities.
Jason Netteshein, the club's contact to the park approached the board and asked permission to name that portion of the park. Due to the contributions of Dan in the community, the request was quickly approved. The sign was designed by club president Greg Schmidt and club secretary Wayne Schmidt. Once size and location of the sign were approved the sign was plasma cut and power coated for a long life. An additional picture will be added below. |
Dan's family
Many of Dan's family attended the event
AMA HOF member Bob GialdiniDan's long time friend and world team member and AMA Hall of fame member Bob Gialdini (center) was on hand to give the dedication. Current president Greg Schmidt (left) and past president and long time member Don Adriano (right) look on